We think a lot about what is possible for our clients and how they are impacted by what is going on in the world.



At Tandem Group, we are especially intrigued with how various disciplines outside the behavioral and management sciences can bring value to the world of business. The principles inherent in the hard sciences such as biology, chemistry, and physics have lessons that leaders can use to more effectively lead their organizations during this time when adaptability and agility are more important than ever.



What we each think about leads to the actions we take and consequently the results we generate. We invite you to explore some of the things we think about and the work we do in hopes that we will peak your curiosity, foster your own creative thinking, and add value both to you as a leader and to your organization.



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Integrated Growth

In this article by Clare Fitzgerald, published in the October 2012 issue of INSIGHT Magazine, The Magazine of the Illinois CPA Society, Tandem Founder Carolyn Hendrickson is quoted on Shifting Mindsets and Executing Change.


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Leadership in Complex Times 

This article, published in the 2010 Pfeiffer Leadership Development Annual by John Wiley, shares our views on what it takes to be an adaptive leader and build the requisite capabilities in your organization.



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Creating World Class Service Leaders

This case study shares the work we did to transform leaders at a financial services operations center from a focus on day to day operations to a team capable of creating and sustaining a world class service center.


Mobilizing a Merged Organization to High Performance

This case study describes how a division of a leading $4B multinational company overcame the cultural divide between the legacy company and one it had acquired two years before. Learn how we applied the principles of chaos and complexity to overcome these cultural differences and create a more adaptive organization.


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Here are some links and resources you may find to be of interest.


To Lead, Create a Shared Vision

Creating a shared vision is critical to leading effective organizations. In this article Kouzes and Posner discuss new research that shows followers how to respond to a leader who can articulate a vision that reflects their own aspirations.


Building Your Company's Vision

This is one of our favorite articles because it gives good concrete examples of vision statements. The Porras and Collins framework may or may not be useful, but our clients always find the examples stimulate valuable discussions.


Changing the Way We Change

One of the seminal articles on the fundamentals of adaptive leadership, this article was the precursor to the authors’ book on the same topic, Surfing the Edge of Chaos. The book is one of the best examples of the practical application of complexity and chaos theory to leading organizations.