Tandem Group is comprised of a core team of senior practitioners who are exceptionally skilled at working with senior executives to address their business challenges.
Each member of our team brings their unique skills, experiences, and insights to all they do. Our areas of expertise are seamlessly blended to create the most robust solutions for our clients. We have built the firm on the quality of our consultants. The results they produce and the deep, lasting client relationships they create are the hallmarks of our firm.
Carolyn Hendrickson
CEO and Founder
Carolyn has over 25 years of experience in working with executives to achieve and sustain breakthrough results in their businesses.
Deborah Brecher
Managing Director
With more than 25 years in consulting, Deborah has extensive experience working with CEOs and senior executives in global companies undergoing complex business transformation and change.
Sylvia Min McCray
Senior Manager
Sylvia Min McCray is a Senior Manager with Tandem Group and leads project delivery across the firm’s specializations in strategy, organization, and leadership.
Tom Fauré
Tom has over 25 years of consulting experience, working in various industries, including public utilities, oil and gas, hi-tech, construction, healthcare, communications, pulp and paper, and the federal government.
Anne Miller
Anne is distinguished by her action-oriented approach with the key premise that it is far easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than to think your way into a new
way of acting.
Haris Ahmed
Haris has more than 18 years of consulting experience in the areas of organization design, large-scale change, and leadership effectiveness.
Stuart Diamond
Stuart has been a management consultant most of his professional life—starting out designing and implementing large-scale software development projects, progressing through IT strategy development, and finally managing billon dollar merger integration programs.
Leslie Boyer
Leslie has been deeply engaged Leadership Development for over 25 years specifically working with leaders to enhance their ability to align their actions with the results that are most meaningful to them and their organization.
“Tandem Group brings a unique blend of hard-nosed strategic and analytical thinking combined with a deep understanding for how to create change in an organization. Tandem Group was instrumental in the results we were able to produce in the business.”
In addition to our core team, we have close partnerships with a small number of specially chosen firms that bring complementary capabilities to our organization transformation work. These partnerships allow us to leverage all of the best thinking and tools available to serve our clients.
These are firms with whom we have long-standing personal relationships and who work seamlessly with our Tandem Group consultants. The network of relationships we have built over the past 20+ years is one of our most important assets and critical for delivering our full value to clients.
Organization Research
The ability to diagnose patterns of behavior and thinking that are both working well and standing in the way of realizing desired results is an essential part of successfully adapting over time. Veronika Kopcik and her firm, Research Bridge, partner with us during the diagnostic phases of our work. They have extensive capabilities that are valuable for both large and small research projects.
Strategic Measurement
Measurement and governance is an issue that many organizations struggle with, especially when it comes to transformation. Michael Contrada and his partners at Bull River Group bring exceptional depth of experience and expertise in building balanced scorecards, metric systems, and highly effective governance processes to manage strategy execution. Michael and his senior partners were integral in the establishment of the original Balanced Scorecard Collaborative in the late ‘90s and have continued to build deep expertise in these critical areas.
High Performance Behavior
Conversation is at the center of all work. The value we create through our interactions within and across organizational boundaries is a key determinant of the sustainability of a large-scale change effort and the long-term success of the company. Jim Selman and his firm, ParaComm, specialize in improving the way people work together to produce value. ParaComm's methodologies are integrated into the transformation work we do with leaders and their teams.
HR Integration and Talent Practices
Emily Bland is a published author and visionary global business executive and organizational leader with expertise in all Human Resource areas, including executive coaching, performance management, talent strategy, change management and acceleration, discrimination and harassment allegation investigation, organizational design, leadership succession and outsourcing planning.